(deep black on the horizon)

Kurzgedicht zum Thema Sehnsucht

von  nachtfalke

I’m sitting here on the cold ground. Looking hopefully
up to the dark sky
Where is this beautiful shape?
I can’t smell the pleasant fragrance of correctness
and home, which lets my heart beat faster
Where are these loving scintillating eyes?
I can’t see that appealing smile of affection
Where is this calm sensually voice?
I can’t feel this lovely body around mine
There’s no skin on skin
No tingling, no tickling
Nothing but the cold wind
One single tear is sliding down my cheek
while I’m starring up
Not finding any star.
Just deep black on the horizon

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InMajoremArtisGloriam (29)
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 nachtfalke meinte dazu am 29.07.09:
sehr passend. vielen dank
InMajoremArtisGloriam (29) antwortete darauf am 29.07.09:
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