
Gedicht zum Thema Leben/Tod

von  Peer

September, o September,
you are not quite a member
of fall, but let remember
me times of riven temper
in fears of close December,
and small seed hope of semper

Anmerkung von Peer:

semper vivus;: (für) immer lebendig

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Kommentare zu diesem Text

 TrekanBelluvitsh (05.09.13)
Is September a messenger of the beginning of a death? You might see it this way but I don't think so. It's a month were we start to (or have to) recognize the change. The change that goes on around us in every moment and the change we are going through in every little here and now. Death is waiting for us, of course, it is waiting whatever we do. There is nothing we can do against it. So don't let you lead astray. There's enough changing in life which I don't understand and therefor there's enough to do, to think, to life, to suffer. I just can recognize death. But I can do some changeging... even in September...

I like the "riven temper", especially the word "riven"!

 Peer meinte dazu am 05.09.13:
Well, as you mentioned, September is
a month were we start to (or have to) recognize the change.
And when sometihing is changing, we often think, what will be the end of it. Anyhow, as you also wrote, we can't do anything against it, but we are humans, and the right of human being is "to live", so we look outside for something, that gives us hope, and that is "semper idem" (always the same), what means, there is always a return of things or on the other side a continuing of life in a different form of existence.
LG Peer
(Antwort korrigiert am 05.09.2013)
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