Golden Spoons to Others

Songtext zum Thema Erschöpfung/ Müdigkeit

von  Schwarzlicht

you know some day you will be tired
you won't feed on tears no more

in your feathered nightmare cushion
next to the smell of sweat and puke
you've buried books of silent passion
all choking gasps that failed to proof

and all your whispers travel far
sucking down a drunken star
a twinkling demon, bright of life
a smile like a shining scythe

and when you tried to fix your mind
the yellow angel would appear
and sing for you a thoughtful song
that enters every fibre long

and after days of sugared pain
hell's whore is licking out your brain
a flash of laughter through the door
you wake to find you are no more

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 Schwarzlicht meinte dazu am 27.07.06:
ich danke dir. ja die bilder sind wirklich wichtig und auch immer mit einem gefühl verbunden. auch wenn es sicher nicht zu jeder stimmung paßt.
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