Whispering Melancholy


von  Anyango

It was Sunday last winter I saw you you told me you're drowning in dreams
We were sipping some coffee talking 'bout freedom that some time ago left us both.

Now I'm standing beside you hearing your laughter is whispering melancholy
Now I'm standing beside you feeling the fire that burns you, that keeps you alive

In spring we were talking walking illusions still failed to get rid of our pain
Your needles, my pills were just straightening the trills but the longing had stayed in our hearts

Now I'm standing beside you hearing your laughter is whispering melancholy
Now I'm standing beside you feeling the fire that burns you, that keeps you alive

Today when I phoned you, you tried to sound cheerful, I knew we will never be pleased
with the world and his brother, ourselves and each other
like Jonathan Seagull we're aiming the skies

Now I'm standing beside you hearing your laughter is whispering melancholy
Now I'm standing beside you feeling the fire that burns you, that keeps you alive

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Maushamster (30)
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 Anyango meinte dazu am 26.10.06:
Danke Katja, auch für die Empfehlung! Das ist das erste mal, dass ich mich am englisch-texten versucht habe, deshalb freut mich eine positive Rückmeldung besonders. Liebe Grüße, Simone
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