The cause I live

Gedankengedicht zum Thema Lebenseinstellung

von  Butterblume

Sometimes I think, why do I live?
Why did I burn?
What can I give?
And I turn around,
and walk,
and look,
and think...
But If I see a smile,
of my best friends,
or I only dreamed from your smile,
I know, that`s why I live.
Cause the hapiness in people eyes!
Oh that`s why I want to live.

Well, I don`t think about my weight,
don`t think why nobody want to dance with me,
cause I´m happy,
and think not of this problems,
cause it´s my life.
That´s why I have been happe,
and will be happy!

Anmerkung von Butterblume:

Das falsche Englisch habe ich absichtlich nicht verbessert, fand ich irgendwie hmm ... ja authentisch ... schließlich war ich da erst 13 )

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