Alter Ego

Erlebnisgedicht zum Thema Du und Ich

von  Ephemere

Watch myself on the other side
See the bits and pieces breaking through
Something's there and I cannot hide
As I'm gazing at this deja-vu

Misty face on a seagull's cry
Opens eyes and breaks the wind into
Something lives that can never die
As the waves consume my other You

I never thought I'd find my
Alter Ego

So I'm standing on this cliff
Unexplainably aroused
As she's down there by the water
Dancing with my ghost...

Spacetime curves as our bodies fall
Through the void of possibilities
All in one, but I'm one in all
Just a drifter on the seven seas

Unexpected urgency
As the gap is widening in between
Me, surreal, and you, a dream
Gotta draw the line and take the scene

I never thought I'd find my
Alter Ego

(Jan Schoenmakers, St.Gregorio State Beach und Mountain View (CA), 7-8/2005)

Anmerkung von Ephemere:

Von der Form her eher konventioneller Liedtext.

Ein sehr intensives mir allein, dem Meer und einem "Geist" (war sie real? oder nur ein Trugbild im Nebel?)...

Ein Exzerpt der Vertonung gibt es auf

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