puppets on a fairground

Tagebuch zum Thema Entscheidung

von  DanceWith1Life

We never really meet the root of our desires
I am lost in Your attraction beyond believe
I wonder what will heal my loose wings.
Since I cannot find shelter in my past
and nothing garantuees me a secure future
I must conquer my presence.

I am wondering wether my little love
really knows about the secrets hidden
in the coincidences that happen every day
there  must be a story
that is to be observed
I have not yet discovered the meaning of Life
I listen every day,
and a lot of people say many things
but Noone talks about this.

I want to play
forever and ever,
I know I am childish and
I have dreamt we went to a fairground
and I found this guy who sold puppets
and he made them dance on the floor
and everybody was laughing his head out
and I wondered what was so funny about that.

Some puppets had painted smile
some had painted sorrow
and some looked really abstruse
and they were all dangling in this show
and one was even meant to be the narrator
and he explained to everyone
what is going to be the gameplay
and then it started.
and after a while with a few words
the puppets would have been so similar to us
it was shocking
and you could see them dancing in their net.
And you wonder, what is this telling me.
And with every step of the gameplay
it would accept a handful of sorrow
and a handful of joy, all played out on the same stage.
But this is not real, but so similar to us.
and thats why I woke in the middle of the night
and my cup was empty
and my heart was thirsty for real life.
And I found myself asking for real joy.

my heart stood still
my breath was flooding in
and the sound of life did glue
every word into a simple wish

I am thirsty Veena
thirsty for happiness.
By this time the play was finished
nothing left to say

Anmerkung von DanceWith1Life:

written December 06

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