6. The Friend

Drama zum Thema Freundschaft

von  Mutter

The same bar. The Machine still sits behind his table. A rank of empty pint glasses, like soldiers before an inspection, lines the table.
Another man, shorter and more burly, slips onto the stool opposite the Machine. The two men stare at each other in silence for a moment.
The stocky man clears his throat.

DANNY: Been a long time, man. How’s it goin’?

THE MACHINE: Not bad, not bad at all. And yourself?

DANNY: Same old, same old. It’s grand, ya know? Everything is cool …

THE MACHINE: Okay, cut the fuckin’ crap, Danny. What do ya want?

DANNY: Shit, man, don’t get all offended. Just popped in to say hello.

THE MACHINE: Who sent you, and what do they want? And more importantly: Why don’t they need you alive?

DANNY: Man, you trying to scare me? It’s working man, it’s fuckin’ working, man, I can tell you tha’ much.

THE MACHINE: Hell, yes. Maybe if I scare you enough – I’ll save your life, Danny. Don’t get in my fuckin’ way. Please, for old times sake.

DANNY (nodds): Okay, I’ll try. But you have upset some important people. You really are turning on the heat, aren’t you?

THE MACHINE: I’ll do my fucking worst, if you catch my drift. Who was the blonde you just met on the way in?

DANNY: Do you know her?

THE MACHINE: She came to plead with me. For the life of her uncle – she tried to save Trout’s life.

DANNY: Trout? That’s not her uncle.

THE MACHINE: What do ya mean?

DANNY: Do not be daft. He’s boning her. Screwing her brains out, every night. They’re bleedin’ lovers.

THE MACHINE: That fucking little tart. Tried to rope me in like a bleedin’ pike, that bitch.

DANNY: Like Thin Lizzy said: ‘But the devil take the women, for they never can be easy …’

THE MACHINE: You can say that again. Fuckin’ Cunt!

The Machine takes a long draught from his pint, finishing it.
The curtain falls.

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