Her name was Mariella

Songtext zum Thema Trauer/Traurigkeit

von  sundown

Sometimes sadness devours me
I´m not amanable for you
But baby believe me
That´s nothing concerns to you.
At this moments I was haunted by memories
And it´s too painfull  waking up of my dreams.

//You wanna know who I am,
First time you have to learn,
About this girl, blue eyes, black hair
Standing mournfol under the red umbrella
Her wonderful name was mariella.//

That you understand, I can´t claim
I really can hope you do so,
Looking at you, I feel shame
But I don´t wanna let you go.
She was really a pretty girl, but often low in spirit
My love couldn´t avert, her jump down the bridge.

Look at me, nothing was left over,
Only wishful thinkings,
this colour print of her
and a pair of broken wings.
It was a rainy day and so I bought this red umbrella
I presented it to her to protect the black hair of my mariella

Dancing and singing in the rain
My heart overflowed with happyness
I´ve overlooked her obsessing  pain
And overlooked her inside sadness.
How should I know, it was the last day of her live,
So ìm searching for the answer  in these blue eyes.

//You wanna know who I am,
First time you have to learn,
About this girl, blue eyes, black hair
Standing mournfol under the red umbrella
Her wonderful name was mariella.//

The girl under the red umbrella
Was my first love, named Mariella

Anmerkung von sundown:

Dieser Text hat eine besondere Geschichte. Ich schrieb ihn für jemanden nur auf Grund einer mir vorliegenden Schwarz-Weiß-Aufnahme. Ein Gesicht wie eine Madonna mit unglaublich traurigen Augen. Ich kannte zu diesem Zeipunkt die junge Frau nicht, und habe doch...ins Schwarze getroffen.

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