A Pathetical Sonnet

Sonett zum Thema Natur

von  Roger-Bôtan

Who are you, clouds? disordered exhalation
Of spoken words and of unspoken notions?
Who are you, waves of never-resting oceans
Where every drop is passion and sensation?

You meads and woods, immobile decoration
Wherein each vein and root is full of motions,
Sucking and oozing sweet or venomous potions,
And where each whisper is a provocation?

You symphonies of birds, death and renewal,
Living custodians of pre-human history,
Rough iron hand and soothing velvet glove,

Throbbing and laughing jewels in the jewel
Of the whole universe, what is your mystery,
Who are you? – We’re the ever-lasting love.

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