
Songtext zum Thema Sein

von  rebell91

Why does it hurt to see my eyes are black as crows?
It's time to change my habits now
Nothing lasts except the broken mirror
Sherds still show my reflection

My head explodes
blood out of poetic vain
heart in rage
every fibre moans

I've always liked those old stuff  black and white movies         
Nothing could be ever red in it
I like these moments when I know the world still turns round and round and round

My head explodes
blood out of poetic vain
heart in rage
every fibre moans

It feels so good
how could it ever hurt me?
It looks so cute
how could it ever hurt me?
The wallpaper sucks
It's time to change the broken mirror sherds still show my mind has gone with crowds.

My head explodes
blood out of poetic vain
heart in rage
every fibre moans

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