Eye see

Gedicht zum Thema Gesellschaftskritik


Eye see the end and also its start.
Eye see the society falling apart.
Eye see that no-one cares anymore.
Eye see it's all rotten to the core.
Eye see the cancer: "Man" its name.
Eye see him working. It's a shame.
Eye see the sinking ship named "Earth".
Wonder if eye will see its rebirth.
Eye see Death and Hunger, War and Pestilence.
Eye see mankind believing in its excellence.
Eye see how brother's killing brother.
Eye see the children rape their mother.
Eye don't want to see it anyway.
Eye see the false gods to whom they pray.
Eye see them all march with the herd.
Eye see that wise men won't be heard.
Eye see it all, but do I care?
Eye see no escape from this nightmare.
Eye see the rogue's already burled.
This is how eye see the world.

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