Black Griffin

Ode zum Thema Tod

von  DariusTech

Your blood ancient sister
Your blood brought death...

I finally understand
how a power like yours
could be defeated

You're the victim
You're the poison
in my veans

You're the torrent
of destruction
You showed me the way
to return
to follow your quest

The sorrow for your soul I feel
The sacrifice you gave
Shall not be
in vein

My final flight
I'll miss these stary skys
I'll miss those ancient dreams

I'll miss those cliffs
that I will never see again
but I will cary
them in my heart

My time has come
I will return
My time has come
dark fires burn

Your blood
shall be the power
to bring death
to them

My blood
is the blood of earth
weaping for its spring

Anmerkung von DariusTech:

Of all those creatures in the universe I never expected to find you.

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