We Will Cary (Memories answered)

Ballade zum Thema Bewusstsein

von  DariusTech

Ancient sister, friend of long forgotten times
I am with you on that cliff
Close your eyes and see

We will cary the sea in our hearts
The waves are our heartbeat
chasing each other till we die

Ancient sister, friend of times remembered
Immortal souls do not forget
No matter how often they will part

Whatever we will do alone
We will return one day
Just trust me and follow the way

We will cary the sea in our hearts
as we have done
since we did part

I remember everything
At these times I remember
When the sun is setting

Tell me sister of your past
Sing the ancient songs
of your soul

And I will sing you mine
Let us both sing our songs
and dance under the sky

We will fly again
We will fly home
One day

And we will cary the sea
in our dreams
till the day comes

The night is over
The sun rises
The pictures of our memories fade

When another night falls
let us dance again
around the fires of the night

 Memories von Thalaya Blackwing

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 ThalayaBlackwing (24.08.12)
My brother of times long gone
Friend of times always be
My eyes are closed
I can see

The sea is calling me
The wilderness of the waves
The wind playing around the shore
The smell of freedom

My heart beats in time with them
In time with the world
Peace is mine
just a short moment

A memory only, but strong
Never forgotten
Never lost
always in my heart

I remember the old lands
The green hills a played onces
The mountains I once flew
The sea, my home no more

I trust you, I always will
Together as we are
away from home
but not lost anymore

I will tell you about my past
The songs are there again
The acient songs my soul sings
The ancient songs that are me

I've sung you all that I can remeber
Now sing me yours
Together we will cimplete our past
Forever bound together

I can remember how it was to fly
I can remember the wind under my wings
I can remember the green lands of our home
I can remember thanks to you

Dance with me!
I dance with you
We will revive the past
We will never forget

Night after night we dance
Night after night we sing the songs of returning
Night after night share our memories
Till the sun rises again

Then dreams catch me
Bring me back home
Together where we belong
Together, never really alone.
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