The pride that goes just before the fall

Short Story

von  kobra

There was a man who meant to rule the world. He was blinded by his self-confidence as well as by the devotion of the people surrounding him.
His name was Hubris.
One day he went for a walk in the garden of destiny where he met Nemesis, the woman of justice.
She accused him of egocentricity, of being limited in his perception.
Escapist as he was, he explained her that he just was realistic; he knew about his amenities, and he knew about his debilities, which, he said, were few enough.
“You are blinded by your arrogance”, she told him.
He wouldn’t believe her. He never believed anyone except for himself.
She tried to explain to him, that his ignorance hurt people, most of all himself.
But he just laughed at her and walked away.
She killed him, but his nature lives.

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 Graeculus (16.09.20)
Wenn schon Nemesis, dann auch Hybris.
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