Most people say I'm insane.

Konkrete Poesie zum Thema Vorurteile

von  theatralisch

Most people say I'm insane because of...

lying in bed with my shoes
asking unusual questions
telling stories about the beauty of death
asking about somebody's fear
believing in hell
and stuff.

Maybe you'd first ask yourself
why or for what reason you are: not insane.

En passant: What's the meaning of "health" in your opinion?
Do you know? Don't you?
Just yes.
And awright.

It's similar to: Darkness is the absence of light.
By this definition darkness doesn't exist.
Similar to "the cold" of course.
Light can be analysed and darkness not.
Darkness is just a kind of symbol in people's mind
to describe the state of "no light".
Is darkness compared with a river (as a point) of no return?

What is the right question in this case:
If there's darkness there's NO light?
Or if there's darkness there IS light?
I guess you are right.
You can be proud of yourself.

But why are people afraid of the darkness?
And why are they fond of hiding in the dark?
Answer: They are afraid of themself.
People fear what comes after the sun that is the light.
Ergo: If people don't fear their own "reaper"
they don't have to fear the other "reaper" which is just: The others!

And for that reason I'm "in love" with Einstein.
Indeed, he IS a real genius.

But I'm of another opinion than Einstein if I think about "the dark side".
I don't think it's about God but I think it's about ourselves:
We ARE the COLD. We ARE (also) the DARK SIDE.
If you are not able to think about/of yourself first
you are not able to distinguish between yourself and the others
in the end and in the same way.

So again: What about the health?
Can health be analysed, too?
Or rather: Can health be examined like somebody's disease?

Dude, just get back to basics.
Means: Get back to yourself before you start thinking again.
Means: First think about yourself before you start thinking about the others.
Means: The O T H E R S are not you.

Anmerkung von theatralisch:

Host mi?

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