
Erzählung zum Thema Glaube

von  Bluebird

This is a true story, which happened in 1985. I was a University student without any material worries, but I felt burned out and unhappy. It seemed to me that something was missing or had gone wrong in my life.
    Many times I would ask myself, What is it? Why am I so down? But I never could find any clear answer. Eventually, my feelings of unhappiness grew to the point that I said to myself, It cannot go on this way!
    So, on New Year’s Day 1985, I made a break in my daily routine of life. I wanted  to have a time to think about life in general and what possibilities might be found for a better future. I was only 27 and certainly young enough to find some happiness in life. At least I hoped so!

Anmerkung von Bluebird:

An autobiographical story

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