some days you glow like melody


von  DanceWith1Life

Some days your beauty glows like fragrance
scattered on the moon
so far away, but still so close
that noone can ignore
the clouds around your face dissolved
the cool, cool night is bright
so are the howling wolves
that raise their heads and voice
to break the moonish sight
and split it into Gangcode

i think i have but one 
to satisfy my buried heart
A wish and thirst,
but mingled into one so twisted shape
the moonlight never could escape
its own reflection
on the surface of this lake

since when is nothingness
and dust
the brick to build a tower
for all the answers only adress one
the other one is
hiding even more
inside of me, whereelse
or did you ever see an outside door
up in the sky, to let the moonlight in

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