It ain't over til

Kurzgeschichte zum Thema Apokalypse

von  Ephemere

In the end the fat lady never sang
We had all anticipated the end and finished our glasses
But when the dust had settled
She still wouldn't croak
Fat as hell and on a lit stage
With a sore throat

The angels had descended
With chariots of fire and trumpets and shit
The kingdoms lay in ruins
And the dead had risen

But the sign was nowhere to be seen
Or heard, really

Maybe it's the time to go to a remote mountain cabin
And snuggle cosy by the fireplace
Enjoy a little overtime
While the referee takes his nap

But the magnetic pull of anticipation
Won't let you move

We're all here for the showdown
The fireworks came and went
Yet the final bang never came

So here they stand
The good and the bad
The living and dead
The old and the new
Always and never

She's still up there somewhere in front of us
Obscured by the smoke
Unable to make the tiniest sound

We'd all leave and scatter
Aimless and beyond history
If it wasn't for that sheer absurdness of her starting to yodel
When we expect it the least

But patience is waning
And life still smells sweet

What's that sound?
Did she

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