Hello, darling Planet

Skizze zum Thema Entfremdung

von  DanceWith1Life

if I were to talk to You
wouldst You know me
cause every time I dance
my feet belong to You
I am so glad You gave me ears to listen
and air to carry the sound
and if You don't mind
let me exchange my loneliness
to be a part of your lifehood
I wonder if You can read my dreams too
breathing underneath my mask
challenging times they say
and have not even survived a thousandst
of the heat You`ve been through

and  the thousands of living beings You host
when asked for companionship answered, Yes, of course
and keep doing so day by day.
almost as if they knew what was ahead
Never during the last 50 Years
animals looked at us like this
what did You tell them?
blackbirds watch my pace at night
and more then anyone else
the cats and dogs stay silent at my sight

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