Wishful Thinking

Songtext zum Thema Wünsche

von  Merkur

Here´s one thing I´d like mention,
Be sure I got no bad intentions.
Forget your thoughts, your pain your fear,
I know that you don´t want to here

But this time you will listen up.
It´s to you to drink this cup
I know you wished yourself away,
But, my dear, you´re here to stay.

You don´t know what´s in my mind but
Hopefully you´ll never find out
Make your wish keep one for me.
Whatever happens, we will see.

This hole thing has gone too far
And I wonder where we are.
I don´t know where we´ve lost the track,
but I know that I want you back !

You don´t know what´s in my mind but
Hopefully you´ll never find out
Make your wish keep one for me.
Whatever happens, we will see.

´Cause if you knew what´s in my mind then
You surely wished you had never found out
Remember what I said to you:
Wishes never do come true !

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nebelraser (18)
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 Merkur meinte dazu am 22.01.06:
Bei diesem Song gab es zuerst das Lied, der Text kam erst später. Leider kann ich dir dazu noch nichts schicken, weil ich noch keine Aufnahme davon habe. Danke für den Kommentar !
haifischmaedchen (24)
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