
Text zum Thema Hoffnung/Hoffnungslosigkeit

von  Melodia

I perceive how ....... flows into me, extending, pulsating through every vein, grasping my soul, stretching my muscles, every tendon, how ....... is taking possess of every nerve till it creeps slowly and silently towards my brain and taking hold of it, controlling my thoughts, my instincts, my desires and dreams.
My anxiety for the darkness, for the blackness.
My ending.
Despite the fact, that I can feel it, that I know I will be defeated, just humiliate and blame myself even more, I will fight on, with my will, my mind and my love.
Till the last drop of blood, even if it is the last thing I do.
At least I will go under with the sword in my hands.
It nearly sounds as if I’m a hero, but I’m so pitiful.
I hope that ....... will soon overthrow my pride and my stubbornness.
I know I’m making it easy for myself and hard for the others, but you all don’t know what it is like to have inside this .......

Anmerkung von Melodia:

Kam mir soeben spontan in den Sinn.

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