Black she is

Erlebnisgedicht zum Thema Veränderung

von  ThalayaBlackwing

The end
So I thought

I was wrong
Haven't decided yet

After blackness there was light
I remember the first momemt
I shouted joyfully

And alive
But different shaped

No more black wings
No more dragon's tail
No fires to spit

Wngs have remained
Feathery they are
A griffin I am

My eyes unchanged
Looking watchfully
I can't remember what I once was

I love my forest
So strong
So wild

Mine to protect
I will, I do

Something's wrong
The sun is there
But not warm anymore

The wind plays with leaves
Colorful it paints
But not playfully anymore

Shadows are there
Longer and darker as they should
Not comforting anymore

I search for the disruption
Listened within the wind
Looked into shadows

Were I able to remember
I would have tried to flee
So I decided to fight

I was no match for them
So many
So strong

They destroyed my forest
My home, my friends
Violated me

I can't remember much
Only one dark thing
I wish I had forgotten

I was forced to do
A deed I would never have done
They made me drink blood

Not ordinary blood
It would have been gros
But not lifechanging

It was blood of a fellow griffin
So I changed
Again a slave to my master

There I was
No more loving
No more kind

Black I was
In heart and mind
And body as well

Destined to kill my brother
Not knowing what I've done
Can you ever forgive me?

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 DariusTech (01.09.12)
Sister Sunshine
Black Winged
Hot blooded

took you from us
not to return?

There you are
alive again

But not in heart
But we won't know
We won't see you sister

Watcher still

They took you again

I have found them
I followed your quest
I followed your steps

I found a dead one
I found a black one
Victim still
Child even

But I made a mistake
They know
of me
of my intrusion

I flee
I take the spell
I take the potion with me

I have to flee
from our enemies

Too late it is
I know
it is my last flight
So I take leave
from the clouds
from the winds
from my brother

take these
as proof for their dark work
Its a weapon to destroy our world
Or to save it

They found me
I can hear them
Time to die

They won't kill me
One potion left
Poison it is

I give up my being
They won't destroy my soul

Find me brother in the eyes of a stranger

I take the poison

My blood is the blood of earth
weeping for its spring

Dieing eyes see
the life of a child
see the abiss beyond

They recognize
Sister Sunshine
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