When The Soul Keeps Jumping And Running

Gedicht zum Thema Leben/Tod

von  ian_grey

Last week I went to my funeral,
I wore my blackest overal
and listened to the vicars words, at my funeral.

I knew that I would be buried,
and still, I was a little worried
if it was right to leave them alone and be buried.

"He was a good fellow", the vicar had told,
and, not without a little pride I howled,
happy about this farewell, and how it was told.

But then, far too many tears were shed,
my sister was even crying in bed,
and I was quite sad - but hadn't any tears left to shed.

After some days things went back as they were,
I looked at a happier atmosphere;
some friends wasted a thought for me here,
and I felt free to leave them just as they were.

~ Februar 2007 ~

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Nehemoth (25)
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 ian_grey meinte dazu am 09.10.07:
Danke für den Kommentar :)

Nein, eine Vertonung ist nicht geplant - das Gedicht ist als Vortrag für eine Kleinkunstbühne an meiner ehemaligen Schule ("Kultur im Keller") entstanden - aber wer weiß, vielleicht fällt mir dafür ja noch eine passende Melodie ein.
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