I'm so fucking angry


von  Xenia

I'm so fucking angry of my mother for never giving me the security to learn to be soft as a child and

I'm so fucking angry with my dad for being the fucking role model for all the fucking losers I thought to love in the last years and

I'm so fucking angry of my mother for being with violent assholes she never saved us from so she thought us it's better to be abused than to be alone and

I'm so fucking angry of my dad for being a liar, a thief and a drug addict loser and

I'm so fucking angry for my mother to teach me to fear love and hugs and care and all that shit that makes you feel good with your partners and 

I'm so fucking angry that I believed all that bullshit my parents taught me

For so fucking long time 

And I'm so fucking angry

Of all the people who abused me 

And traumatized me 

To the point that pain 

And fear

And loneliness 

And self-isolation 

Seem to be so much

Easier than

Standing up for myself

Talking about my feelings 

Trying to trust my people 

Feeling truly loved 

Asking for my needs

Without shame

I'm fucking 32 

And today's the day

I begin to learn 

To be soft 

And if you dare to laugh me

If you dare to use my softness 

Against me

If you dare to pretend like 

You don't know 

That their parents behaviour 

Means the world to a child 

I'm gonna execute you 

In all the cruel ways

They tried to kill the magic 

In my eyes

When I was a child 

Fuck you 

I don't give a fuck

If my parents are proud of me 

I am already so much more 

Than they've ever seen in me and 

I'm already the person I needed 

When I was small and 

So much more vulnerable 

Than today

Most important 

I'm so fucking proud of little me 

For still standing 

Still having the courage 

To show that fucking softness 

To show it untamed 

Throw it in your fucking face 

Like here's my hopes 

Here's my pain 

Here's the fear 

Here's my little broken heart

And here's my pride 

I'm so proud of 


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