
Gedankengedicht zum Thema Vergebung/ Versöhnung

von  ThalayaBlackwing

Ancient brother
I beg you forgiveness
I tried to protect
but I just destroyed

I looked too far
tried too much
saw shadows where none were
listened to whispers in the dark

I couldn’t warn you
protect you from what I became
I had no choice
I had to obey

Ancient brother
I beg you forgiveness
that I let you down
to free my soul from my corrupted body

Anmerkung von ThalayaBlackwing:

Das Gedicht ist entstanden al Kommentar auf ein Gedicht von  DariusTech,  Lost one

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Kommentare zu diesem Text

 DariusTech (02.09.12)
Ancient sister
You bear no guilt
I only pitty your fate

You returned
to protect
You returned
to be destroyed

I failed you
My brother did
We did not hear the warnings
carried in the wind
Graeculus (69)
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