The ballad of life

Gedankengedicht zum Thema Entscheidung

von  ian_grey

Shall or Shan't

We will meet today.
I can't be sure.

Shall or Shan't
I tell?

I blew it before.
We will meet today.
I can't be sure.

Shall or Shan't
I tell her?

I could lose a friend.
I blew it before.
We will meet today.
I can't be sure.

How will she react?
How will she see me?
What will she answer?

Shall or Shan't
I tell her about?

It could turn out good.
I could lose a friend.
I blew it before.
We will meet today.
I can't be sure.

She will react bad.
She will think of me
as a fool.
She will answer "no".

Shall or Shan't
I tell her about
my love?

Say the words, that
can mean everything?
The words, that make
friend of foe
and foe of friend?

She will react good.
She will think of me
as her lover.
She will answer "love".

Shall or Shan't I
tell her I love her?

I could lose a friend.
If you give up before
you can't win afterwards.
It could be wrong now.
The best moment has passed already,
if you wait for it.

Shall I?

~ 12. Januar 2007 ~

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