Rebel of Babylon

Lied zum Thema Befreiung

von  Shagreen

Rebel grip your stylus tight
Don't throw away
People is it hard to leave
What makes you stay?
Go take your healing ink
Sign lifes away
Then take your sharpest pen
Tombstones engrave
Do engrave

Rebel grips the stylus tight
Don't throws away
People find it hard to leave
What makes they stay?
He takes the healing ink
Signing lifes away
Then takes the sharpest pen
Tombstones engrave

Let your light shine
Let your light shine
Let it shine bright
Don't let it burn out all night

Kill me one more time
Kill me one more time
Neo martyr
They want die dumb
Don't want live forever
Kill me one more time
Rise up
Rebel of Babylon

Renegade fights the fight
To set apart
Thoughts like thorns in his sides
To pierce the heart
He looks into the sky
And waits for dawn
Knows they'll remember him
After he's gone

Let your light shine
Let your light shine
Let it shine bright
Don't let it burn out all night

Kill me one more time
Kill me one more time
Neo martyr
They want die dumb
Don't want live forever
Kill me one more time
Rise up
Rebel of Babylon
Rise up
Rise up

The rebel fights the fight
To set apart
Thoughts like thorns in his sides
To pierce his heart
Looks into the sky
And waits for dawn
They crucify his flesh
Spirit lives on

Let your light shine
Let your light shine
Let it shine bright
Don't let it burn out all night
All night

Kill me one more time
Kill me one more time
Neo martyr
Do not die dumb
I will live forever
Kill me one more time
Rise up
Rebel against Babylon
Rise up
Rise up

Anmerkung von Shagreen:

Überarbeitete Fassung von Metallica's Song
Nimrod (Anti-Christ) oder Christus, unterscheidet die Geister!

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