where is my guitar

Skizze zum Thema Geheimnis

von  DanceWith1Life

i can hear it sound

noone else can

at times i want to play

for the people outside

i can't

still i can hear

i love the sound

where is my love

i can see it captures 

everything it touches

its hands are delicate

nothing else can touch that way

sometimes i wonder

but then i have to think about King Midas

where is my drum

i can feel its beat

minute by minute

seasons passing by

starshine at night

funny, whenever i want to turn up the volume

it disapeares

Gitarrenriffe, die See ist laut

man hört was sich zusammenbraut

die Herzen taub

die Seele wund

doch was dort schmerzt ist meistens Schund

wie reimverschuldet

formt der Klang

nur noch Gezeter statt Gesang.

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