Perfect World

Gedicht zum Thema Liebeserklärung

von  DariusTech

This Night I Have Been Dreaming
Of A Life so close to perfect
Of all promises redeeming
And a world without reject

In this world I needn't worry
Of how to pay the rent
In this world I needn't hurry
It was all heavensent

In this world there was no fear
Of any war and any threat
A peaceful tune in every ear
All creatures were so well and fed

Like every night it had its morning
Still early, yet the sun would beam
On your sweet outline it was shining
And in its rays your hair would gleam

In this world I might now worry
'Bout how to earn tomorrows rent
In this world all creatures worry
'Bout threats of men and heavensent

But I've got you right by my side
No matter what this day might bring
My world is perfect day and night
Cause I've got you, my heart will sing

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urbinia (49)
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 DariusTech meinte dazu am 06.07.06:
I think so. Thanks.
lg Darius
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