Most people

Prosagedicht zum Thema Individualismus

von  Judas

It's better not to be,
than to answer Hamlet's question.
In my mad-bad satisfaction
devils will pursue my flight

Most people run in circles.

I have received a gift
The knowledge of the end of the world
I was reluctant to realize
thought it had been linked to my confusion

Most people are only at the circus.

Something has been maintained my life
It stuck to me
To unleash my dismal ties
with the colours so bright

Most people think in black and white.

Something got me burning inside
wrapped up along their love
Thinking: the words must be wrong,
Yet drenched in light

Most peoples' love is what they crave.

At night, I am beautiful or deceased
Maybe, I will be both.
If my morning is too cold
Then maybe I am too, just frozen.

Most people will never know.

Early tomorrow, they will outline a path for me
Forcing me down,
And making me frown
My Heart shall persuade me to stay.

Because most people will never know anything beyond what they see with their own two eyes.

Anmerkung von Judas:

Unreine Reime und freie Rhythmen sind Absicht und dienen der Intension.
Wer suchet der findet:
Donnie Darko
Mad World
Oder Beides
Phantoms And Ghosts
Das Geschenk

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shadowhunter (28)
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 Judas meinte dazu am 24.03.07:
Come now, Gentlemen, your love is all I crave, you still be in the circus when I'm laughing in my grave *dance*

Yeah. Let's go. Will be funny tonight.
Jonathan (59)
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 Judas antwortete darauf am 03.04.07:
of course i can. but did i want to...? :> (ich werd ma ne dtsch. Sinnfassung schreiben. Irgendwann.)
shooter (63)
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