Kilchurn Castle

Gedicht zum Thema Orte

von  DariusTech

Kilchurn Castle

I see people walking by
Taking photos of blue sky
First silenced by your age
Then laughing on your stage
On what was history

They say it is a magic place
That time goes slow here, does not race
Remaining walls stand all alone
Just like a skeleton of bone
But soon enough are gone

Once you were so proud to look
But you have paid the toll it took
When times go on and times go by
It does not help if we deny
And time wins in the end

And so I listen to your story
Your telling about pride and glory
And times that died so long ago
Though long ago, these walls still know
And silently they tell

This place seems to me , oh so sad
But that´s not true, I smile instead
And while the sun is yet still shining
I leave you, silent, proudly charming
Time did not win yet

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 DariusTech meinte dazu am 24.11.04:
Und wenn man danach sucht, darf man manchmal mitspielen. Danke! Darius
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