Masquerade Falls

Songtext zum Thema Liebe & Schmerz

von  Arawn

Run up the hill of damnation
But don’t blame me for saving you
Time’s floating with the wind
This cruel day and I, your only relation

Forget about the falling leaves
Rotten they lie, without a sense of sin
You’re my only disease
Now I’m wiping away what we’ve been
The last piece of us
I’ll cut it out
The masquerade falls!

Beyond the woods of dawn
A sinful shadow’s looming
Crawling deep inside of me
Decayed flesh instead of a beating heart

Forget about the falling leaves
Rotten they lie, without a sense of sin
You’re my only disease
Now I’m wiping away what we’ve been
The last piece of us
I’ll cut it out
The masquerade falls!

Soil around me
Callings from above
Coffin's disintegrate
Can you hear my calling?
“The masquerade falls!”

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