Encounter with an old man

Erzählung zum Thema Begegnung

von  Omnahmashivaya

Old man told me about his way of life, of long fascinating journeys, experiences, adventures and the meaning of life.
Sadness and happiness at the same time were reflecting in his honest, gray and brown eyes. They spoke volumes.
One of his formative worldly wisdoms was that life is beyond price, precious and even too short. Life is just a blink of an eye. There are so many things you can do and so sometimes it's not fair, that life is just a moment, just a little while. A human being is never an original. A human being keeps all the love, hate, ideas, dreams and goodness inside, which was given from their parents, grandparents, great-grandparents and so on. Everything, if messages or abilities, is a part of you now. Old man didn't believe of sitting into hell and get punished because of all bad things he had done in his life, after he would die. Old man didn't believe in sitting in heaven playing a harp, at the end of life. He was assured that the basic instincts were given to his children and grandchildren and live on.
In the end of our conversation, he gave me some useful and prized advice for travelling. "When you are in a foreign city or country, go to the biggest market of the area and you will find everything you want to know about people, way of life, traditions, secrets and culture. And if you want to go on your own, discovering the landscape, straight into the wild, so keep close to rivers. Follow them. You will never walk alone the whole time, but in parts you will. You will get to know people with identical and different settings. And when you arrive at the beginning of the river or also at its aperture, you will find what you have searched for. Now you will know who you are."
When I came back from smoking a cigarette outside of the bar, the man had already dissapeared ...

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elvis1951 (59)
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 NormanM. (26.03.08)
Schade, dass mein englisch nicht auch so gut ist. Ich brauchte teilweise schon ein lexikon, weil ich einige wörter nicht kannte.

Lg Norman

 Omnahmashivaya meinte dazu am 26.03.08:
Also ob mein Englisch besser wäre als deines... Früher hatte ich es mal recht gut drauf, aber die Übung fehlt mir, weil ich meist nur englisch rede und nicht schreibe. Und musste zwischendurch auch mal ins Wörterbuch schauen. So ist es ja nicht, dass ich ein wandelndes Englischbuch bin. LG Sabine
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